You. I. Us. Them. She. He It. They. WE BELONG. In this world, to each other. The people like us and unlike us. The people we like and the people we don't like. EVEN those who believe that not everyone belongs...they belong too. And guess what, there is room for us ALL. So why are we so scared?
If anyone has an answer to that question, please let me and the rest of us know. You will get the GOLDEN TICKET of the Universe.
Of course, I get scared too. It's often easier for me to put up the barrier of Us versus Them so that I can feel safe in my world. Especially when I don't agree with what They are saying. But deep down in my gut and ever expanding heart, I know that keeping that barrier is only making my enjoyment of life smaller. I do believe that it is possible to listen, disagree and continue to live side by side with those that are just takes A LOT of work and courage. And that's OK...I am willing to keep practicing.
Today I practiced. Granted I didn't run full throttle into facing someone who I disagree with...there is only so much courage I could muster today. But I did show up and share the best version of support that I had today of via Power Flowers.
On Monday morning the JCC in my community received a bomb threat. It was a teacher work day, so no children were there BUT still. UGH. I'm not Jewish nor do I have kids that go there however I still felt the array of emotions. Scared. Angry. Sad. Dismayed. Perplexed. Confused. Disheartened.
I had a few choices...
I could let those feelings fester and start finding people or groups to blame. Find the "Them" that I could hate and wish ill-will towards. But doesn't that just continue the cycle?
I could ignore it. Brush it to the side because it "doesn't effect my personal life" and continue on with my safe bubble.
Or I could acknowledge the hurt, sadness and confusion in the ways that I have learned I am capable.
I choose the third option. After I did preschool drop-off this morning, I took a few minutes to do my art project of coloring a card and buying some flowers while sending compassionate thoughts to the Jewish community and the anonymous threat makers, because they need compassion hard as it is to give. I drove to the JCC and delivered the flowers. I told the woman at the reception desk that they were for EVERYONE who was a part of their community. And left with tears of peacefulness, sadness and acknowledgment that this life continues to be messy and beautiful all at the same time.
Power Flowers won't make bomb threats or hatred do away, but I like to believe that each moment I spend on this practice helps to neutralize the moments someone else may spend on planning attacks of fear-based violence.
So I'm going to continue to let my love bloom and share it as often and as much as I can.
Honoring YOUR Courage...Because WE ALL Belong Here TOGETHER.