Happy Sunday and Howdy Hey from Power Flower People. When I turned on my computer and came to this screen I looked around and was settled by the words that we share at the top of the blog page.
Such a beautiful challenge to give ourselves each day we are here on this earth, don'tcha think? Le sigh. Other than that, I've got no deep thoughts of full throttle emotions to muse upon today...just a simple sharing from the past week.
Here are some snapshots of the Power Flower Project this week. Flowers, paintings and cards OH MY!
We got to share the beautiful bouquet on Saturday. It was grown and created by my friend who has planted Power Flowers in the community garden that she helps cultivate! How incredibly cool, ahhhhhmazing and totally awesome is that? These flowers were planted with the intention of Power Flowering! It makes my heart feel like it's going to pop out of my chest.
We picked them up at the studio on Saturday morning and after some errands, I decided to drive by the hospital. We drove through the parking lot with the plan to find someone walking in to visit a patient. A young girl with a man and a woman caught my attention, so I slowed down beside them, rolled down my window and asked if they were going to visit someone in the hospital. I didn't ask details - I didn't need them, I just wanted to extend the healing power of the flowers without any strings attached. As they walked ahead of us I watched the little girl read the note and smile. Power Flowering done and done!
Let's keep on keepin' on...no matter what comes our way!
Hugs, love and High Fives all around!