Jeremy January 31, 2017 Power Flowering I Power Fower Jeremy January 31, 2017 Power Flowering Today was filled with some beautiful moments of hope...meeting and brainstorming with new friends, making connections multi-layered in the giant small world AND being asked by my kiddos if they could give flowers to people at the grocery store. To hear the words "I Power Fower mama?" From a 2 year old makes any doubt of this practice melt away. #kindnessmatters #onwardwegrow #powerflowerproject #powerflowerprojectavl #828isgreat See this Instagram photo by @powerflowerproject * 12 likes
Jeremy January 23, 2017 Power Flowering Rainy Day... Jeremy January 23, 2017 Power Flowering Today - this rainy Monday, I feel like I'm trying to figure out what "normal" is after such an intense weekend in our country AND the branching out of Power Flowering. After the website went live and I wrote the first blog I realized that I was stepping out of what has become a comfort zone of this practice. Which is great! Because that means the practice that I put into place a year ago to help me find comfort in a really crappy time...WORKED! So now it's time to step out again, and cozy up with the discomfort of trying something new. And I'm excited. But today, I needed a reminder of that comfort. I needed to let myself know that whatever happens with The Power Flower Project and my big dreams, that the foundation is still there. The desire to do a simple act and recognize another human in regular, everyday life. So on the way home from preschool, after getting gas we stopped at the pump on the other side of the station where a young woman (wearing scrubs, I think) was filling her tank. I hoped out of the car, extended the flowers and said "I hope these bring some joy to you and you can share that with the rest of the world." And we both smiled. With that, the foundation was felt and I can move on with the day doing the things like figuring out "business" stuff without feeling so totally uncomfortable. See this Instagram photo by @powerflowerproject * 10 likes